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Volkswagen’s Bold Leap: A Gigafactory in Canada Signals North American Ambitions

Key Takeaways

• Volkswagen invests in Canadian battery-cell factory

• Shift towards North American market

• Diversification from European market

• Volkswagen’s largest gigafactory to date

• Impact on global electrified vehicle market

The Multibillion-Dollar Gamble in the Electric Vehicle Race

Volkswagen’s announcement of a massive investment in a Canadian battery-cell factory marks a significant shift in the automotive giant’s strategy. This move, involving more than $14.8 billion, is not just about enhancing Volkswagen’s capabilities in electric vehicle (EV) technology but also about making a bold play for the North American market. The gigafactory in Ontario represents Volkswagen’s largest battery-cell plant to date and underscores the company’s commitment to the burgeoning EV segment.

The investment in Canada is part of Volkswagen’s broader strategy to reduce its reliance on the European market and gain a stronger foothold in North America. This pivot comes at a time when the global automotive industry is undergoing a profound transformation, with electrification at its core. The Ontario gigafactory is expected to play a crucial role in Volkswagen’s plans to introduce the broadest portfolio of full-electric vehicles in the United States and Canada by 2030. Additionally, this move is poised to bolster Volkswagen’s vertical integration plans, ensuring a secure supply chain for its EV batteries.

Creating a New Legacy in North America

Volkswagen’s foray into North American manufacturing with its Canadian gigafactory is a clear indication of the company’s ambition to create a new legacy. This strategic decision not only diversifies Volkswagen’s manufacturing and sales strategy but also enables the company to benefit from the U.S. climate law. The law mandates that 50% of EV battery components must be made in North America for vehicles to qualify for generous consumer tax credits, making Volkswagen’s North American-produced EVs more attractive to consumers.

The gigafactory in St. Thomas, Ontario, is set to become both Volkswagen Group’s largest of its kind in the world and Canada’s largest manufacturing plant. With an annual output of 90 GWh, the plant is a testament to Volkswagen’s aggressive growth strategy in North America. This includes the expansion of the Electrify America’s coast-to-coast charging network in the US and Canada, and the revival of the iconic Scout brand as a maker of all-electric vehicles from 2026. Volkswagen’s strategic shift towards North America is a calculated move to position itself as a leader in the global electrified vehicle market, challenging rivals and setting new standards in the industry.

A Strategic Pivot Amidst Global Competition

The global electrified vehicle market is fiercely competitive, with manufacturers like Toyota Group and BYD leading the charge. In 2021, Toyota Group and Volkswagen were the leading electrified vehicle manufacturer companies, with market shares of 10.7% and 9.5%, respectively. However, the Chinese producer BYD, which manufactures exclusively electric vehicles, has expanded its market share to 11 percent in the first quarter, overtaking Volkswagen and Toyota. Volkswagen’s investment in the Canadian gigafactory is a strategic response to this intensifying competition, aiming to secure its position in the EV market.

Moreover, Volkswagen’s strategic pivot to North America reflects a broader trend among European car makers seeking to capitalize on the U.S. market’s potential. The investment in the Ontario gigafactory is part of a multibillion-dollar effort to shift away from Volkswagen’s traditional home market. This move is indicative of the changing dynamics in the global automotive industry, where North America, with its favorable policies and growing consumer demand for EVs, is becoming increasingly attractive to manufacturers looking to future-proof their businesses.


Volkswagen’s investment in a Canadian battery-cell factory is more than just an expansion of its manufacturing footprint; it’s a strategic bet on the future of mobility. By establishing its largest gigafactory in North America, Volkswagen is not only diversifying its global manufacturing and sales strategy but also positioning itself to lead in the electrified vehicle market. This bold move underscores the importance of North America in the global automotive landscape and signals Volkswagen’s ambitious plans to drive the future of electric vehicles. As the industry continues to evolve, Volkswagen’s strategic pivot towards North America could well define its legacy in the new era of automotive manufacturing.

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