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Norway Mining And Quarrying Industry Outlook 2022 - 2026

See how Norway Mining And Quarrying performed compared to key markets such as the United Kingdom and Germany.

Key Market Indicators

Revenue from Norwegian mining and quarrying is forecast to fall 7.9% to €35 billion by 2026, down from €52 billion in 2021. Since 2012, the market has declined 2.9% each year. The UK, Germany and the Netherlands were the second, third and fourth largest markets for Norwegian mining and quarrying. Meanwhile, production is set to drop 2.2% to €50 billion by 2026, down from €53 billion in 2021. Since 1980, supply has decreased 1.8% each year. The UK, Poland and Germany were the second, third and fourth largest suppliers.

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Norway Mining And Quarrying Market Data and Forecasts

How much will Norway Mining And Quarrying Market grow to 2026?

Forecast: Natural Graphite Production and Reserves in Norway
Forecast: Self-Employed People in Mining and Quarrying Sector in Norway
Forecast: Mining and Quarrying Gross Value Added in Norway
Forecast: Mining and Quarrying Output in Norway
Forecast: Employees in Mining and Quarrying Sector in Norway
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