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Greece Mining And Quarrying Industry Outlook 2022 - 2026

See how Greece Mining And Quarrying performed compared to key markets such as Norway, the United Kingdom and Germany.

Key Market Indicators

Revenue from Greek mining and quarrying is projected to reach €833.1 million by 2026. This figure is up 0.7% year-on-year on average, compared to €803.4 million in 2021. Since 2013, the Greek market has increased by almost 10%. In 2021, Greece was ranked 19th, with Hungary taking the lead at €803.4 million. The UK, Germany and the Netherlands took the next three spots. Meanwhile, Greek mining and quarrying production is projected to reach €851.7 million by 2026, a decrease of 2.9% year-on-year on average from €946 million in 2021. Since 2000, the Greek supply has fallen by 6.2%. In 2021, Ireland overtook Greece in the rankings, coming in at 20th place with €946 million. The UK, Poland and Germany took the next three spots.

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Greece Mining And Quarrying Market Data and Forecasts

What is the size of the Greek Mining And Quarrying Market in 2022?

Natural Fluorine Minerals Market Size Value in Greece
Natural Fluorine Minerals Market Size Value Per Capita in Greece
Kaolin and Kaolinic Clays Market Size Value in Greece
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How much will Greece Mining And Quarrying Market grow to 2026?

Forecast: Value Added of Non-Metallic Mineral Products in Greece
Forecast: Wages and Salaries in Non-Metallic Mineral Products in Greece
Forecast: Mining and Quarrying Gross Value Added in Greece
Forecast: Mining and Quarrying Output in Greece
Forecast: Output of Non-Metallic Mineral Products in Greece
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