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Bracing for Impact: The Surge in Global Business Insolvencies and Its Ripple Effects on Insurance and Finance

Bracing for Impact: The Surge in Global Business Insolvencies and Its Ripple Effects on Insurance and Finance

Key Takeaways

• Global business insolvencies rising

• Third consecutive year of increase

• Germany’s distinct case

• Implications for insurance and finance sectors


The specter of rising global business insolvencies casts a long shadow over the economic landscape as we approach 2024. With projections indicating an upsurge for the third consecutive year, stakeholders across the insurance and finance sectors are standing on high alert. The implications of this trend stretch far beyond the immediate distress to the affected businesses, potentially reshaping the risk assessment and policy landscape of these critical industries.

The Third Consecutive Year of Increase

Insightful analysis by Allianz Trade points toward a +5% growth in global business insolvencies in 2024, marking it as the third year of escalating figures. This trend is not isolated to specific regions but is a global phenomenon, with significant jumps noted in the Americas and across Europe, including a notable 13% increase in Germany, Europe’s largest economy. This consistent rise reflects a blend of economic weakness, structural challenges, and tighter financing conditions, painting a grim picture of the business environment.

The increase in insolvencies is not a simple statistical aberration but a signal of deeper economic malaise. The surge in 2023, which saw an average global business insolvency rate jump to a positive 29% from +23% in 2022, underscores the volatility and uncertainty pervading global markets. With Western Europe identified as a key contributor to this rise, the situation demands a nuanced understanding of the underlying factors at play, including inflation, interest rate hikes, and logistical challenges.

Germany’s Distinct Case

Germany’s forecasted 13% increase in company insolvencies in 2024 is particularly alarming, considering its status as a bellwether for European economic health. The ongoing economic weakness, compounded by structural challenges and tighter financing conditions, places German companies in a precarious position. This scenario is not only a concern for the German economy but also serves as a cautionary tale for similar economies facing parallel challenges.

The situation in Germany exemplifies the broader trend of increased risk for large companies, with those posting annual turnovers of more than EUR 50 million facing heightened default risks. This, in turn, poses a significant threat to smaller suppliers, underscoring the interconnected nature of modern economies and the cascading effects of insolvencies across different tiers of the business landscape.

Implications for Insurance and Finance Sectors

The ripple effects of rising business insolvencies extend deeply into the insurance and finance sectors. For insurers, the uptick in insolvencies translates to an increased risk of payment defaults, necessitating a reevaluation of risk assessment models and policy adjustments to mitigate exposure. The finance sector, particularly credit insurers like Allianz Trade, are bracing for the impact, with a keen eye on tightening financing conditions and their implications for business health.

Moreover, the rise in insolvencies underscores the importance of robust risk management strategies within these sectors. Insurers and financial institutions must adapt to this evolving landscape, employing more stringent due diligence processes and potentially revising their product offerings to address the heightened risk environment. This period of adjustment is crucial for maintaining stability and fostering resilience in the face of growing insolvency rates.


The projected increase in global business insolvencies for 2024 and beyond serves as a stark reminder of the fragility of the global economy. The third consecutive year of rising figures highlights the persistent economic and structural challenges that businesses face worldwide. For the insurance and finance sectors, this trend not only signals a need for heightened vigilance but also calls for a strategic recalibration to navigate the choppy waters ahead.

As we move closer to 2024, the onus is on stakeholders across all sectors to heed the warning signs and prepare for the implications of a world where business insolvencies continue to climb. By adopting a proactive and pragmatic approach, the insurance and finance industries can safeguard against the potential fallout, ensuring they remain resilient in the face of uncertainty.

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