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Italy Maritime Passenger Transport Industry Outlook 2022 - 2026

See how Italy Maritime Passenger Transport performed compared to key markets such as Croatia and Spain.

Key Market Indicators

Italy's passenger ship fleet is set to shrink by 16.2% between 2021 and 2026, falling from 24,690 units to 9,590. This is a steeper rate of decline than that seen since 2005, which was 14.9%. In 2021, Italy was in third place, with Spain ahead at 24,690 units. Spain, Italy and Greece were in the top four. Italian sea transportation expenditure is forecast to drop by 21.3% between 2021 and 2026, falling from €29.96 million to €8.26 million. This is a deeper rate of decline than that seen since 2013, when it was 7.1%. In 2021, Italy was in fifth place, with Belgium outranking it at €29.96 million. Finland, Estonia and Belgium were in the top four.

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