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Austria Animal Feed Industry Outlook 2022 - 2026

See how Austria Animal Feed performed compared to key markets such as Spain, Germany and the Netherlands.

Key Market Indicators

Sales of animal feed in Austria are set to reach €1.63 billion by 2026, up from €1.45 billion in 2021. This represents an average annual growth rate of 1.8%. Since 2013, Austrian market sales have grown by 5% year on year. Austria was ranked number 14 in 2021, with Portugal ahead at €1.45 billion. Germany, the Netherlands, and France took the top three spots in this ranking. Austrian Animal Feed exports are set to reach 520.74 million kilograms by 2026, up from 433.64 million kilograms in 2021. This represents an average annual growth rate of 2.9%. Since 1999, Austrian supply has grown by 8% year on year. Austria was ranked number 10 in 2021, with Spain overtaking at 433.64 million kilograms. Germany, Belgium, and the United States took the top three spots in this ranking. Austrian Animal Feed imports are set to reach 125.17 million kilograms by 2026, up from 112.35 million kilograms in 2021. This represents an average annual growth rate of 1.7%. Since 1999, Austrian demand has grown by 3.6% year on year. Austria was ranked number 40 in 2021, with Colombia overtaking at 112.35 million kilograms. Germany, Belgium, and Ireland took the top three spots in this ranking.

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Austria Animal Feed Market Data and Forecasts

How much will Austria Animal Feed Market grow to 2026?

Forecast: Gross Investment in Prepared Animal Feeds Sector in Austria
Forecast: Production in Prepared Animal Feeds Sector in Austria
Forecast: Number of Employees in Prepared Animal Feeds Sector in Austria
Forecast: Number of Enterprises in Prepared Animal Feeds Sector in Austria
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