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France Advertising Industry Outlook 2022 - 2026

See how France Advertising performed compared to key markets such as the United Kingdom, Germany and Spain.

Key Market Indicators

France's advertising revenue is projected to reach €11.7 billion by 2026. That's a drop of 3.5% year on year, according to a compound annual growth rate. Since 2013, the French market has declined by nearly 6%. In 2021, France ranked fourth in the world with €13.8 billion, behind Spain's €13.8 billion. Germany, Spain and France took the second, third and fourth spots respectively in the global rankings.

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France Advertising Market Data and Forecasts

How much will France Advertising Market grow to 2026?

Forecast: Value Added of Advertising and Market Research in France
Forecast: Turnover in Advertising Sector in France
Forecast: Turnover in Advertising and Market Research Sector in France
Forecast: Turnover of Advertising and Market Research in France
Forecast: Turnover of Advertising in France
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