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The United Kingdom Insurance Industry Outlook 2022 - 2026

See how the United Kingdom Insurance performed compared to key markets such as the United States and Japan.

Key Market Indicators

The United Kingdom is the second-largest contributor to global gross written premiums, set to reach $410.3 billion in 2026. This marks an annual growth rate of 0.5% since 2021, when the total was $380.6 billion. Since 1990, British supply has decreased by an average of 1.2% year on year. The UK, Japan and Germany were the second, third and fourth-largest contributors in 2021, with the US coming out on top. In 2026, British insurance spending is predicted to reach €19.4 billion, a decrease of 1.8% year on year since 2021 at €21.2 billion. Since 2000, British demand has been decreasing on average by 5.1% year on year.

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